Monday, January 17, 2011

Web Squared...

In the area of my own future professional goals I have a couple of things in mind.  The main thing lately that I have wanted to do is work for a company such as pixar working with animation and other aspects in that specific area.  Some other things that I have wanted to pursue would be in the area of graphic design or game design with companies such as RIDE snowboards or Pop Cap games.  
The parts of this article that I found to be important and interesting would be the sections on how the web learns and also the small side section on Photosynth, Gigapixel Photography, and Infinite Image.  In the section on how the web learns I found  it interesting how different things have so called “shadows” on other sites and also how the web see’s every little piece of information as a “vote.” Every link clicked on, every piece of information submitted, every item purchased, etc. every thing is a vote on a larger scale in the world wide web.  The last thing that I found to be important is near the end of the of the reading.  It talks about how “The Web is no longer an industry unto itself—the Web is now the world.”  This is a interesting for me to think about because the more I do think about it the more true it becomes for me given web sites such as Facebook and LinkedIn.
After thinking about my own personal professional goals I think the part of this article that pertains to myself would be the part about how everything is a vote. If I were to create an online game people would have to first play my game and in doing so giving my game a positive “vote” saying that more people should play it.  In doing so making my game more successful and helping me further my career in that aspect.


  1. I thought it was very interesting that with the article you took away the idea of how everything is a vote online. I didn't think too much of it at the time.
    I too am looking for a similar future as you and i thought that the infinite pictures they talked about in the article (like google maps street view images) could possibility lead to computers turning images like that into 3D models for animation.

  2. I also paid special attention to the part of the article that used links as votes. It reminded me of the Wal-Mart example, and how when a card is swiped, our consumer "data" is collected. If the same type of things is happening online, it would mean that businesses, companies, etc. would know a lot about the consumer, and more than most think.

  3. I really was intrigued by your comments on the vote and shadows. It seems logical but honestly extremely complicated since there is so much data available which can be analyzed to create conclusions of what people like, or how people feel, like twitter predicting the stock market. It's awesome that you're taking that idea and transposing it to your own creations in your future goals.

  4. I really like the links you made between your future profession and the article. Smartly done. This notion of clicks being a vote is also relevant to the way Google values information. I'd be curious to hear a bit more about "the web is now the world" idea (the teacher in me who wants to make sure you did the reading, it's my job...) but overall, interesting ideas here.

  5. I agree with the article stating that the web is now the world. It seems that with social network site, the possibility of word of mouth is staggering, and in order to succeed one must utilize this,, such as in your game example.
